B-4-1- The marking of packages and goods
Marking is an important aspect of goods transportation logistics.
Marking packages and pallets: marking is carried out directly on the packages or with labels applied on the crates.
It identifies the nature of the goods without having to opening its package. It's also possible to note contents on packing slips.
Marking can also be used to offer to the client product tracking capabilities.
4-1-1- Marking: objective
Marking identifies the origin, destination, quantity and nature of the goods.
It is advisable to avoid including information that can be accessed by ill-intentioned people.
4-1-2- Content of the marking
The marking must include the names and addresses of the exporter and importer, the destination, the quantity, the package number (included on the packing slip) and safety trademarks.
In the case of transporting dangerous materials, it is necessary to use appropriate marking.
4-1-3- Standards
The marking has certain standards like, for example, the ISPM 15 standard, which is an international standard for regulating wood-packaging material.
4-1-4- CE marking
As our core business is working with European companies in intra-community trade, we will detail CE Marking.
It concerns all products subject to European Directives. The CE marking of the products is indicated with the trademark CE.
This marking indicates the conformity of the products.
It adds value to the product.
This is the reasoning behind conducting regular customs inspections.