B-6-23- Incoterms © 2010 dap
DAP, Delivered At Place, is one of the 11 Incoterms © 2010 It replaces the Incoterms © 2000's DAF, DES, and DEQ.
 It has no equivalents in the Incoterms © 2000. It is a new Incoterms
The Incoterms © DAP 2010 is an Incoterm © where the exporter is responsible for transport up until the final destination.
The Incoterms © DAP 2010 is a "sales on arrival" Incoterms ©.
The Incoterms © DAP 2010 is used for a multimodal transport.
6-23-1- Summary
The exporter pays the costs and bears the risks up until the named destination, which must be specified.
The exporter is responsible for the export customs formailities. Conversely, the importer bears the responsibility for the import customs formalities.
The difference between the Incoterms © DAT and the Incoterm (c) DAP is that the delivery place is not the same. It aims to replace the Incoterms © DDU 2000.
This Incoterms © avoids the VAT problem that may be encountered with Incoterms © DDP 2010.
The exporter pays for goods transport to the named destination and is responsible for unloading upon arrival.
The exporter has no obligation to take out insurance.
6-23-2- Du point de vue de l'importateur
The importer pays for the goods as soon as they are delivered to the named destination.
The importer is responsible for customs clearance formalities, post-trasport and unloading within its own country.
The importer has no obligation to take out insurance.
6-23-3- Advantages for the importer
The importer is responsible for the goods in his country.
Extensive knowledge of its country's transport logistics leads to beneficial price-points.
Similarly, a dependable freight forwarder ensures customs clearance without complications and quality service.
6-23-4- From the viewpoint of the exporter
The exporter delivers the goods to the named destination and in the proper condition for unloading based on the importer's specifications (vehicle type, etc.).
The exporter is responsible for customs clearance and packaging.
The transport contract is negotiated and paid by the exporter.
The exporter has no obligation to take out insurance
The exporter must provide the importer all of the security-related information, including necessary documents.
6-23-5- Avantages pour l'exportateur
The exporter moves the goods from the factory, crosses the border and delivers to the named destination.
Extensive knowledge of international logistics leads to beneficial price-points on transport and insurance.
Similarly, a dependable freight forwarder ensures customs clearance without complications and quality service.
6-23-6- The point of ownership transfer: at the named destination.
Be mindful of security documents transmitted from the exporter to the importer.
6-23-7-Incoterms © DAP 2010: Distribution of costs and risks
Description |
Costs |
Risks |
Packaging |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Loading at the factory |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Pre-transport |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Export customs |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Handling on departure |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Main transport |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Transportation insurance |
Exporter |
Handling on arrival |
Exporter |
Depending to the named place |
Import customs |
Importer |
Importer |
Post-transport |
Importer |
Depending to the named place |
Unloading at the factory |
Importer |
Importer |