B-6-13- Incoterms © 2000 deq
DEQ, Delivered EX Quay, is one the 13 Incoterms © 2000.

Note: there is no equivalent in the Incoterms © 2010.
The Incoterms © 2000 DEQ is an Incoterms © where the exporter is responsible for transport costs.
The Incoterms © 2000 DEQ is a "sales on arrival" Incoterms ©.
The Incoterms © 2000 DEQ can be used with maritime or river transport.
The Incoterms © 2000 DEQ has variations.
6-13-1- Résumé
The exporter makes the cleared goods available to the importer on the dock at the designated port.
The importer is responsible for the import customs clearance.
The exporter must bear all costs and risks associated with bringing the goods to the port.
The importer must pay customs formalities, all duties, taxes and other charges.
A clause may be added if both parties agree that the exporter should pay all or a part of the import fees.
6-13-2- From the viewpoint of the importer
The importer is responsible for goods payment, at the designated destination port.
6-13-3- Advantages for the importer
The importer is not liable for anything and, therefore, does not assume risks, making this an attractive Incoterms © for new importers.
An other advantage with this Incoterms is that the transfer of risks and costs takes place at the same location.
6-13-4- From the viewpoint of the exporter.
The exporter is responsible for customs costs, taxes and duties, as well as transport fees.
6-13-5- Advantages for the exporter
The first advantage lies with exporter controling the transport logistics up until the designated destination.
Another advantage to this Incoterm © is its simplicity: the transfer of risks and costs occurs in the same place.
6-13-6- The point of ownership transfer: on the dock at the designated destination port
The goods are delivered to the importer on the ship at the destination port.
6-13-7-Incoterms © DEQ 2000: Distribution of costs and risks
Description |
Costs |
Risks |
Packaging |
Exporter |
Exporter |
of carrier |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Pre-transport |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Loading |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Costs of loading |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Unloading |
Importer |
Importer |
Costs of unloading |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Transport payment |
(until the goods are unloaded) |
(until the goods are unloaded) |
Insurance payment |
Exporter |
Import customs fees |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Export customs fees |
Exporter |
Exporter |
Post-transport |
Importer |
Importer |